Who Are We?
Papaya Polls is a owned and operated by Perceptus Solutions Inc.
A young company based in beautiful Vancouver, Canada. Perceptus
Solutions also offers technical consulting services geared towards
small and medium sized enterprises.
Contact Us
Good or bad, we want your comments! If you like
our services or if you hate them, if you wish to suggest features
or request improvements to them, send us a note! Let us know
if you have a special request, such as consulting
services to help you roll out or develop your survey. The best
way to contact us is by email.
Email: info@papayapolls.com
Phone: 1.604.780.1480
Perceptus Solutions Inc.
#240-8623 Granville Street
Vancouver, BC
V6P 5A2. Canada
How Did Papaya Polls Start?
The Papaya Polls concept was born when one frustrated afternoon,
we could not find a good Internet survey provider.
At the time, our needs were simple. Yet after researching
several online survey tools, we found
none had: reasonable costs for small or medium sized companies
(particularly for those needing to make just one survey),
a good set of tools for analysis, the ability to download results
data, true private surveys, a clean and useable
interface, and clear pricing information. So, we made plans
to make
our own someday. In fact, many, many moons later, Papaya Polls
opened for business.
Truth In Advertising
We at Papaya Polls absolutely detest false or misleading messages. For our part, we work hard at projecting a clear, honest description of our products. For example, Papaya Polls, like many other Internet survey providers, offers a free trial account - except that we call it like it is, a trial. If you are unhappy with our product or our description of it or its features, let us know, and we'll work hard to make things right.
Credit Where Credit is Due
The code that runs Papaya Polls was derived from the open source
phpESP survey software. While we have made many customizations
to phpESP over the years, we recognize that we have saved a lot of time and effort by using phpESP's code. We thank James Flemer and the other developers for their excellent work.